Photo Friday 28th December 2018

With Christmas over, time to return to earth. I’m still enjoying time off work, which is great and allows me time to focus on my writing. Happy days!

On a sombre note, I’m pretty tired of hearing how difficult it is to re-home black cats and dogs. Animal shelters bring it up time and time again, and it’s not that I blame them - black pets are harder to re-home than any other animals. Apparently, one of the reasons in our selfie-crazed world is that black pets don’t photograph well. Seriously, how vain are people? Pets are not accessories; they’re living, breathing, feeling creatures that deserve our love and affection regardless of their colour. (Just like we do.)

So, here’s a picture of my very black cat. Yes, photographing him takes a bit of effort, but isn’t he gorgeous?

My black cat, Lucas.

My black cat, Lucas.