I was working from home, and as my partner was still away, I had to get up earlier than I usually would to take care of the dogs. I started my day with some natural yoghurt and the rest of the strawberries.
At breaktime, I sat down to write – as is my habit on the days I work from home – and had two more of those banana, peanut butter and oat cookies. I’m making good use of them!
There was some salad left over from the gathering of agility folks the day before, so I finished the greens with some bacon and egg thrown in. A couple of pieces of that dark chocolate went nicely with the cup of tea I had afterwards. My current lunchtime watch is season seven of Cold Feet.
Afternoon snack was one of Whitworth’s Shots. No, I’m not drinking on the job. These have become a particular favourite of mine as they come in several flavours, are quick, easy and tidy to eat and offer a healthier option to snack on than crisps, biscuits or chocolate. A welcome option when you’re feeling a little peckish.
Dinner was a vegetable stir-fry with noodles that I put together in a matter of minutes – what I usually want at the end of a working day. Dessert was a chocolate-toffee one straight out of the fridge.
Dinner - vegetable stir-fry. The laptop is out because I decided to watch my favourite Finnish talk show, Enbuske Veitola & Salminen, while eating.