Dexter keeps me motivated when I train - after all, it’s all for him.
Fridays are exercise days. I usually finish work early, so I log off my work computer, tuck it away for the weekend, get changed and head out into the agility arena to train.
I am not a fan of exercise, and I have always been a slow runner. That’s a bit of an issue for someone who trains her dogs in agility. I enjoy walking and cycling - although I don’t own a bike - but running? No thank you, unless I’m in a hurry. The thing is, on an agility course I’m always in a hurry.
A couple of years ago, I decided I had to get faster. A friend recommended Speed Up Agility, a training programme specifically aimed at agility handlers.
It’s been a game changer. I’m now fitter and faster, but best of all, I enjoy exercising and running!