As I said in my Music Monday blog this week, I saw Sick Joy last weekend. Yes, I see them a lot - can’t get enough of a good thing. They were playing support to a Canadian band called Cleopatrick whom I didn’t really know but who were also really good.
What made this show special was that it was on a boat. The venue, Thekla in Bristol, is a converted German cargo ship. I don’t know who thought of turning it into a live music venue, but it works. Sort of. I don’t have great sea legs - despite having lived on the coast my whole life - and that shouldn’t have made a difference because the ship is permanently moored, but the floor felt slanted. I promise it had nothing to do with the alcohol I consumed, which wasn’t much. I think I also got lost every single time I tried to go somewhere because it’s a bit of a maze.
Thekla in Bristol.
Still, I’m all for these new experiences - including being left stranded the day after thanks to storm Ciara, but that’s a story for another day.